玄一书道展暨崔学路书法展 3月22日在中国美术馆低调亮相
2016年3月22日上午,由中国书法家协会学术支持、中国书法家协会展览部主办的 “玄一书道展暨崔学路书法展”将在中国美术馆低调亮相。古稀之年的崔学路先生为当代书法的发展和中青年书法家的培养做出了杰出的贡献。他潜心书道,五体皆擅,在甲骨文、草书等书体的创作上成果斐然。于草隶、草篆、灵性甲骨、诸体融合的古文小楷、玄一大楷之艺术和学术探索上具有开创性的意义。
他对记者谈及他的感想,他认为这个展览虽然这个展览展出的作品不多,展厅不大,但是很震撼,他首先是三个与众不同,继承传统,与众不同。 崔学路先生没有墨守成规,而是一个全面的继承。既有晋唐经典书法的传统,又注重甲骨文,楚简,写经等新发现的考古资料的吸收,所以他继承了传统,又跟随了时代;创作变化与众不同。一个比较成熟的书法家,几十年形成的一套东西,不容易改,打不破。崔学路先生年逾古稀,他不固守原来的面貌,原来喜欢写草书,今天我们看到他甲骨、隶书、楷书、草书都写,这是值得肯定的。他在这方面值得我们学习;勤学苦练与众不同。一般来说,到五六十岁以后,这么认真临习古代经典这一点比较少见,崔学路先生平时比较低调,主要的时间都在家里练书法。一直坚持临习甲骨文,唐人写经,颜真卿,不断的磨练。这一点也值得青年书法家学习,他不是天天窥视有什么新的样式,弄什么新的形式和花样。他的这种继承传统,勤学苦练,这一点也是值得青年书法家向他学习。(刘正成先生接受记者采访全文另发)
胡抗美、陈洪武、曾翔、朱培尔、李强、胡秋萍等著名书法家参观了展览并接受采访,高度评价崔学路先生的书法和人生。崔先生1985年创办《青少年书法报》,首任社长、总编。他是开创当代中国举办神龙青少年书法展览,推广国际书法交流先河的人物之一。创办书法学校,开展书法教学,发现幷培养许多目前书坛中坚力量,影响了一代书法人。刘海粟先生赞其“福佑书坛后坤, 功莫大焉”。欧阳中石先生赞为“中国青少年书法发展里程碑”。
崔学路先生是书法出版人、书法教育家、书法大家。80年代初宗汉隶、颜楷立下坚实基础后,1994年后潜心在北京创研,以“读书、临帖、释道、写心”为旨,广取博览,再进右军、怀素行草;晚岁上溯简帛、金文、甲骨之文字开源。台湾中华书学会会长张炳煌先生簪赏:崔先生小楷用笔精微而厚重,注重神意表达;大字用笔沉著深刻,雄奇而内敛,隶书渐及高古苍拙一路,行草显现天然灿烂本心。中央美术学院院长范迪安先生赞:“崔学路先生的书法作品、展览和积极的社会影响力方面已为我国当今书坛至臻高度。” 中国书法家协会原副主席胡抗美先生评“崔学路先生的艺术思想引领了一代人。他的作品这麽高古, 出发点在传统, 表现的又是时代的精神”。国际书法家协会主席刘正成先生评“崔先生的书法价值已经可以用其文献性来彪炳于这个时代了”。
Exhibition Name: XuanYi Calligraphy Tao Exhibition Exhibition Time: March22nd - March 29th,2016 ExhibitionPlace: No. two and No.four Halls, The National Art Museum of China Academic support: ChineseCalligrapher's Association Organizer: Exhibition Ministryof Chinese Calligrapher's Association Exhibition Introduction: Afternoon of March 22, 2016, Chinese CalligraphersAssociation Exhibition Ministry and Ms. Yan Cui’s organizing "Xuan Yicalligraphy exhibition and Cui Xue Lu calligraphy exhibition" will open atthe National Art Museum of China. Seventy years of age Mr Cui Xuelu made his outstandingcontribution to the development of contemporary calligraphy and youngcalligrapher. He masters five scripts, and in Oracle, Cursive writing styledoes he get the impressive results. And in cursive seal script,cursive officialscript, spiritual bones, combined ancient script, and XuanYi regular script, Heis of the academic exploration pioneering significance. The exhibition featured Xuelu Cui Mr. representative artworksof more than 70, reflecting his nearly ten years to achieve the calligraphy Taoheight. Mr. Cui founded in 1985 "Youth Calligraphynewspaper", beingthe first presidentand editor in chief. He was organizer of InternationalContemporary YouthCalligraphy Exhibitions, founder of a calligraphy school, carrying out thecalligraphy teaching and training, found many talents at that time then to bethe current calligraphy backbone, and influenced a generation of Chinesecalligraphy. Mr.ZhongshiOuyangwrote “ Youngster calligraphynewspaper that Mr. Cui founded was the milestone in chinese calligraphydevelopment history. ”Mr. Haisu Liu wrote “ Mr. Cui’s work is the bliss forcalligraphy successors, which hardly is overtaken.”Mr. PengShen wrote, “ Mr.Cui is one of my best and few friends who have strategic thinking.” Mr. FanDi’an “ Mr. Cui’s artworks, exhibitions and active social effects have arrivedthe national summit height. ”Mr. Liu Zhengcheng commended “The historicaldocumentary value of Mr. Cui’s Calligraphy Tao can splendid the times. ”Mr. Cui Xuelu is a calligraphy publisher,educator, calligraphor. In the 1980s after a solid foundation for Han-dynastyofficial script and Yan regular script. After 1994 concentrate research andcreation of his own artworks in Beijing, he got lots of great artworks and in both creative and classical models his pursuit for the high-profilebeauty and his achievement in high-level calligraphy education are rarelyprecious and leading in today’s calligraphy. Calligraphy splendid the excellent traditional culture andChina’s broad and profound wisdom, steeped in the most deep Chinese culturespirit lifeblood with a long history. The exhibition is after CuiXue Lu calligraphy exhibitions in Dunhuang,Sun YatSen Memorial Hal, and American Charlotte history museum and etc. Thistime Xuan Yi calligraphy Tao exhibition is looked forward by Chinese people tothe calligraphy event, the exhibitionaudiences in addition can appreciate Mr. Cui calligraphyacademic Essays"Calligraphy Tao Essay" and "Spiritual BonesEssay " and so on academic writing. The exhibition lasts untilMarch 29th. |