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发表于 2007-10-31 20:07:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

《中国现代书画家作品拍卖网》 将于2008年投资建设展销厅。为学习,积累拍卖活动经验,2007年11月1日,在网上首次举办试拍卖。

The Chinese modern paintings and calligraphy auction website will start a trying of auctions.

The Chinese modern paintings and calligraphy auction website of will be invested to a construction of a exhibition and sales hall. And the first trying of auction will be held at 1st.Nov ,2007 .
In order to have a good opening to encourage collections and to benefit the artists, we base ourselves upon “ Zero profits” to the trying of the auction. And we offer the most preferential price at the opening . Welcome all the collections and friends to join the autions..
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